Practice Team

We have an experienced team of full-time and part-time staff helping with general administration who will always try their best to help you and will treat all information that you give in the strictest confidence.

They may need to ask you for further details when you telephone this is to ensure that we can ascertain your requirements as speedily as possible.

Medical information may be shared but only with other health care professionals who are involved in your care.


Practice Management

  • Kathryn Blurton: Practice Manager (Clinical)
  • Deborah Mitchell: Practice Manager (Non-Clinical)
  • Lisa Smallacombe: Assistant Practice Manager

Reception / Administrative Team

  • Charlotte Leak, Office Manager
  • Denise Thomson, Prescribing Lead
  • Amy Horler, GP Assistant
  • Fleur McLarnon
  • Jennie Ames
  • Kyie Liddel
  • Laura Wright
  • Lynn Morrish
  • Maureen Bryant
  • Tommy Brown

Secretarial Team

  • Tracey Poole
  • Amy Auton