Repeat Prescriptions


Please follow the guidelines and choose the right option for you.


  • Allow us 48 hours (two working days), to process your prescription request and a further 24 hours (one working day) to collect from your nominated pharmacy.
  • Only order what you actually need
  • Ensure that you have a Pharmacy nominated to dispense your prescriptions (Without a “Nominated Pharmacy” the practice cannot send an electronic prescription to a pharmacy to be dispensed).
  • Check what medicines you have at home before re-ordering your prescription.
  • If you need the medicine in the future you can still request it. - This includes medicines that are prescribed to be used as and when required.


  • We do not accept repeat prescription requests over the phone.
  • Request repeat medications ahead of normal time  (Your request will not be dealt with any earlier, you should order your prescription no more than 7 working days before you run out of medication).
  • Request extra medication (National guidance from NHS England states that quantities of medication prescribed should be for no longer than is currently prescribed).
  • Request New/Infrequently used medication (If you have had medicines in the past but have recovered sufficiently to have not needed them in the last six months then we will not issue without a full clinical review and then only if deemed necessary).


SystmOnline allows you to book appointments, request repeat prescriptions and much more

If you wish to, you can now use the internet to view your medical record and request repeat prescriptions for any medications you take regularly and look at your medical record online. You can also still use the telephone or call in to the surgery for any of these services as well. 

Being able to see your record online might help you to manage your medical conditions. It also means that you can access it from anywhere in the world should you require medical treatment on holiday. 

The service is open 24/7/365 and can be accessed from your home PC, Tablet or Mobile phone.

Ordering a Repeat Prescription

When you order a prescription online, you can have it sent electronically to a pharmacy of your choice. This is called a nomination.

Learn how to nominate a pharmacy

The NHS App

Order repeat prescriptions via the NHS App or NHS website, and have them sent to a pharmacy of your choice.

Learn more about the NHS App

Use Online Services

The easiest way to order your prescription is by using our online services.

Learn more about online services

Your Local Pharmacy

Pharmacy Ordering / Collection Service

Pharmacies offer a prescription collection service from our Practice

Your pharmacy can also order your medication on your behalf. This saves you time and unnecessary visits to the Practice. Please contact the Pharmacy of your choice for more information if you wish to use this service.

About pharmacists

As qualified healthcare professionals, pharmacists can offer advice on minor illnesses such as:

  • coughs
  • colds
  • sore throats
  • tummy trouble
  • aches and pains

They can also advise on medicine that you can buy without a prescription.

Find a pharmacy

In Person

You can order in person by returning the right-hand half of a previous prescription for the required medications.

  • You can drop your form into the letter box to the right hand side of the entrance of the medical centre
  • You can take your form to one of the local chemists

When you have only one week's supply of medication left you will need to use your re-order form to request your medication. Please indicate which items you need by circling the number to the left of the item. You also need to indicate which pharmacy (by writing the name of the pharmacy at the top of the form)  you would to collect your medication from.

If you have lost your re-order form you can write your name, address, doctor and what drugs you require on a piece of paper and submit it in the usual manner.

By Post

You can post your prescription slip or written request to us at the Practice.

If you're unable to collect your prescription from the surgery, please include a stamped, addressed envelope for return by post. Please allow at least seven days if requesting your medication by post.

Medication Queries

Please get in touch with the surgery to raise a query about your medication.

Contact us - Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm. We will reply to you with 5 working days if not sooner.

Prescriptions Charges and Exemptions

Extensive exemption and remission arrangements protect those likely to have difficulty in paying charges (NHS prescription and dental charges, optical and hospital travel costs).

The NHS prescription charge is a flat-rate amount which successive Governments have thought it reasonable to charge for those who can afford to pay for their medicines. Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need extensive medication.

When going abroad you can take your NHS medications with you.

Please visit the NHS website for the latest Prescription Charges

These charges apply in England only. In Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales prescriptions are free of charge.

Further Information

Find a Pharmacy

Use the NHS Pharmacy finder to locate pharmacies near you.

Find a pharmacy

Electronic Prescription Service

The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) sends electronic prescriptions from GP surgeries to pharmacies. Eventually EPS will remove the need for most paper prescriptions.

Learn more about the Electronic Prescription Service

Electronic Repeat Dispensing

Learn about the benefits of Electronic Repeat Dispensing and how to set it up.

Learn more about Electronic Repeat Dispensing