Summer Newsletter 2024


Issue 69

At last, after a slow start, we have some summer weather!

The stresses and strains which the NHS is under are apparent across the media but we remain fortunate to have a Medical Centre which continues to offer a good service. However, the number of patients who do not turn up for appointments, whilst being below the national average, do remain a concern. Missed appointments mean that professionally qualified staff are not fully utilised. There will always be a few who have last minute issues to attend to, but this does not apply to all. Please may I ask again that patients let the Medical Centre know if they cannot attend. This will not only benefit other patients who are waiting for appointments but it will also help to ensure that those who are available to care for us are able to do that.

There are many reports in the media of possible changes to working practices at GP surgeries, please be assured that, if any changes are proposed, the PPG will be made aware and patients will be kept informed. The recent reduction in operating hours of the Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) at Exmouth Hospital will now continue until the end of October.

Exmouth Minor Injury Unit (MIU) opens 8am to 8pm, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.  On Tuesdays and Wednesdays opening hours are 8am to 3:30pm.  It will be closed all day on Saturdays.  These hours will continue for the next 3 months and will be reviewed by the NHS at the end of October. However, local pharmacies offer help and advice for minor ailments, and they can often be a more immediate source of help.  Alternatively, please call 111.

Inside this issue you will find details of the “Care Navigation” system, and you may find this helpful when requiring medical attention.

If you have any comments or concerns that you wish to raise, please do not hesitate to contact the Patient Participation group, or you can leave a note addressed to the PPG at the Surgery, we will respond as quickly as we can.

Wishing you a happy and healthy summer.

Sue Lake
Chairperson, Budleigh Salterton Medical Centre PPG


Care Navigation

Care navigation is a way for general practice staff to ensure patients are being directed to the most appropriate course of care through specially trained care navigators.

Care navigators are members of your GPs support staff who have been trained to help you get the right help from the right place. They will work with you to ensure that you are signposted to the right support at the right time.  They can direct you to the best member of the healthcare team to deal with medical issues and help connect you with the most appropriate service for any other support you might need.

Care navigators will not offer any clinical advice, all medical concerns will be referred onto the practice healthcare team.

Care navigation means patients are more likely to see the right person the first time and may be seen sooner than they would have done if they were to see a GP. It allows patients to better understand their options and increases patient choice through a two-way conversation with the care navigator.

By linking patients with the most appropriate care, care navigators can help to reduce the number of avoidable GP appointments releasing GP time for those patients most in need.  Linking patients with other members of the practice team also results in reduced patient waiting times and faster access to care for patients.

You may not need to see a GP for some conditions and you can seek support and advice on the NHS website. You can also see the NHS 111 website if you are concerned or worried.


If a life is in danger call 999

  • Anaphylaxis
  • Severe breathlessness
  • Suspected heart attack
  • Drowning
  • Low blood sugar
  • Deep laceration/cut
  • Suspected stroke
  • Suspected sepsis
  • Severe bleeding
  • Severe burns
  • Choking
  • Uncontrollable seizure
  • Hypothermia
  • Suspected meningitis
  • Unconscious
  • Appears very unwell

For Dental problems contact your Dentist Direct or call NHS 111

  • Dental abscess
  • Gum problems

GPs are not trained in managing dental problems and simply treating with antibiotics will not eliminate the source of infection. Sometimes dental abscesses can lead to serious complications if not managed appropriately by seeing a dentist.

District Nurse

Call: 01395 282109

  • Catheter problems
  • End of life care
  • Hospital discharge
  • Dressings
  • Injections
  • Ulcer Care

They will only be able to visit patients who are housebound.

Local Pharmacy

Contact your local pharmacy for the following conditions: 

  • Athletes foot
  • Bloating and wind
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Cough and cold
  • Dermatitis/eczema
  • Ear wax
  • Hay fever
  • Head lice
  • Irritable bowel
  • Nasal congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Styes
  • Teething problems
  • Minor allergies
  • Cold sores
  • Constipation/diarrhoea
  • Cystitis
  • Viral infections
  • Headaches
  • Indigestion
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Piles
  • Scabies
  • Sleep problems
  • Thread worms
  • Thrush

Pharmacists are able to prescribe for:

  • Ear ache (aged 1 to 17)
  • Impetigo (aged 1 plus)
  • Infected insect bites (aged 1 plus)
  • Shingles (aged 18 plus)
  • Sinusitis (aged 12 plus)
  • Sore throat (aged 5 plus)
  • UTIs in women (aged 16 to 64)

Practice Nursing Team

Phone 01395 441 212 after 9:30am

Practice Nurse:

  • Baby Immunisations
  • Cervical screening
  • Diabetic reviews
  • Asthma/COPD reviews
  • Dopplers
  • Pessary change
  • Weight management
  • Injections/vaccines
  • NHS Travel vaccines


  • Smoking cessation
  • New person medical
  • Well person check
  • ECGs
  • Suture removal
  • Bloods taking and BPs
  • B12 / Covid 7 INR
  • Flu / Shingles / Pneumo

Social Prescriber

Supporting individuals to access statutory and voluntary services, groups, and activities that can help improve their mental & physical health, as well as their social wellbeing. They give people time and space to focus on what matters to them, taking a holistic approach, based on the persons priorities and wider health needs.

Minor Injury or Accident

Go to your nearest Minor Injury Unit

  • Bites and stings
  • Broken bones
  • Cuts and grazes
  • Sprains and strains
  • Minor wound infections
  • Foreign bodies to eyes
  • ears or nose

GP surgeries are neither trained nor insured to deal with minor injuries and you will be referred to the MIU for any of the above conditions. Please phone 111 if your nearest MIU is closed.

Prescribing Team

Phone 01395 441 212 - 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 4pm

Our prescribing team will be able to assist with:

  • repeat medications
  • tray medications
  • electronic prescribing queries

Health Visitor

Call: 0333 234 1903

  • Abuse concerns
  • Post natal blues
  • Support at home
  • Healthy eating
  • Preschool issues


If you have access to the internet via a smartphone or tablet, please download the NHS APP so you can manage appointments, order repeat prescriptions, get health and safety advice, view your medical record securely.

nhs app

What you will need to set up your NHS login: 

  • An email address
  • A mobile phone number
  • A (photo) passport OR (photo) driving licence

What you need to do step by step:

  • Once you enter your email address, you will be sent a 6 digit security code via email.  You will be asked to enter this code to verify your email address and press continue.
  • Next, you will be asked to give your mobile phone number.  Another 6 digit security code will be sent to you via text message.  A security code will be sent to your mobile every time you log in.
  • Once you enter your code, you will be asked to verify your ID, you are asked to provide a pictures of your passport of driving licence.

Additional information:

  • After you download the app, you will need to set up an NHS login and prove who you are.  The app will then securely connect to information from your GP surgery.
  • If your device supports fingerprint or facial recognition, you can use it to log in to the NHS app each time, instead of using a password and security code.

Urine Samples

If you have been asked to drop off a urine sample, there is a cream bin just inside the reception area on a table.  You will need to complete a request form and add this to the bag containing your urine sample. This is to ensure that the sample is handled and processed correctly.  Please DO NOT drop off a urine sample if you have not been asked to do so.

If the sample needs to be sent to the laboratory, it will need to be at the surgery by 11.30am as the courier arrives at 12.30pm and all samples for the hospital need to be processed, entered onto the clinical system and paperwork generated.


Book your flu and covid vaccinations today

We are now booking appointments for this autumn’s Flu and Covid vaccinations on Saturday 5th October and Saturday 12th October 2024 and have extensive clinics available during week days.

If you are aged 65 and over, or will turn 65 by 31 March 2025, or in a clinical at risk group you will be eligible for both vaccinations. You can receive both vaccines during a single appointment or at two separate ones.

Even if you were vaccinated last year, it’s important to get vaccinated again. Viruses can change from year to year and protection decreases over time. The best defence is to get your vaccine before the virus starts circulating. If you are eligible, please take advantage of this preventive measure to stay healthy and strong throughout the winter.

If you have previously had an adverse reaction to a flu vaccination or are allergic to eggs, please inform us. This will enable your GP to review your medical notes for suitability.

How to book:

  • Phone: 01395 441 212 from 10am Monday to Friday to book an appointment

Practice Activity Data

February 2024


Telephone Calls Answered


Telephone Calls Dialled




Online Consultations


Homes Visits


Bloods Taken


Prescriptions Issued


Letters Received and Sent


How to contact the Medical Centre

See our Contact Us page for details