National Data Opt Out


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Your health records contain a type of data called confidential patient information. This data can be used to help with research and planning.

You can choose to stop your confidential patient information being used for research and planning. You can also make a choice for someone else like your children under the age of 13. Your choice will only apply to the health and care system in England. This does not apply to health or care services accessed in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

What is Confidential Patient Information?

Confidential patient information is when 2 types of information from your health records are joined together.  The 2 types of information are:

  • something that can identify you
  • something about your health care or treatment

For example, your name joined with what medicine you take.  Identifiable information on its own is used by health and care services to contact patients and this is not confidential patient information.

How the NHS Uses Your Confidential Information

Your Individual Care:  Health and care staff may use your confidential patient information to help with your treatment and care. For example, when you visit your GP they may look at your records for important information about your health.

Research and Planning:  Confidential patient information might also be used to:

  • plan and improve health and care services
  • research and develop cures for serious illnesses

Your Choice

You can stop your confidential patient information being used for research and planning.  Find out how to make your choice.  If you’re happy with your confidential patient information being used for research and planning you do not need to do anything.  Any choice you make will not impact your individual care.

This is no longer the responsibility of the Practice. If a patient is aged 13 or over, they can set their own opt-out choice using:

  • Your NHS Your Data Matters
  • The telephone service (0300 303 5678)
  • The NHS App, or
  • 'Print-and-post', completing a form by hand and sending it in (forms available from the website or calling 0300 303 5678).

It is possible for someone to set an opt-out choice on behalf of a patient by proxy but they can only do this using the ‘Print and post’ service when: 

  • They are the parent or legal guardian of the patient, who is a child aged 12 or under
  • They have a formal legal relationship with the patient, for example they have legal power of attorney or are a court-appointed deputy